Sunday 10 August 2014

It is only a few years old, but should appeal to fans of older games and is fantastic, so I decided to post this here.  

Monday 28 October 2013

More Sonic 3 Act 1 Screenshots

Sonic 3
 This time without the CPU, GPU etc stats. Just configured PlayClaw so that they show on the screen for me but not Video or Screenshot output.
Sonic 3

Sonic 3

Sonic 3

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Sonic 3 Act 1 Screenshots

Sonic 3

Some screenshots from Sonic 3 Act 1 on Steam. Missed this game when it was released as did not have as much to spend on games, being very young, but spent a lot of time playing Sonic 1 on the Megadrive/Genesis and Master System.
Sonic 3

Sonic 3

New blog

Just created this blog. I will be creating screenshots mostly from retro games and posting them here. Just got PlayClaw 5 and will be creating some screenshots from MegaDrive/Genesis games I have on Steam tonight.